How to start a (successful?) Open Source project.

Mathew Robinson

Who am I?

  • Mathew Robinson
  • DevOps Engineer for The Kroger Co.
  • Creator of many failed FOSS projects
  • Linux/FOSS Enthusiast for 13 years
  • Documentation Conniseur
  • Developer

The Intro

This talk is for people wanting to start a FOSS project. Specifically a FOSS project which is bigger than a weekend hackfest. Though most of the advice applies there pretty nicely too.

This is not for the faint of heart.

The Why

What makes you want to build something?

  • Change the world
  • For fun
  • To replace something you hate
  • To satisfy your own itch
  • To learn a new technology
  • To make money

The Who

This is the most important question.

  • Yourself
  • Your friends
  • Developers
  • Sys admins
  • Enterprises

The Success

What defines success for your project?

  • Getting paid
  • Having # of users > 1
  • It functions.

The License

Remember the who.

  • GPL
    • V2 or V3?
    • AGPL or some other variant?
  • Apache
  • MIT
  • <Insert other licenses here>

The Friends

Don't be scared to beg.

  • Find your coding buddy.
  • Convince coding buddy you have a good idea.
  • Find next friend.
  • Rinse.
  • Repeat.

The Stack

What technology you're going to work with.

  • Praelatus has been rewritten 3 times.
  • Put thought into why you're picking what you're picking.
    • Do you want to attract new contributors?
    • Do you want to test out a new tech?
    • What will the tech stack do for the complexity of deployment?
    • Will you be able to find contributors? (i.e. Popularity)


No one can read your mind.

  • Make a ticket / issue for EVERYTHING.
  • This includes non-coding tasks. (Docs, Ops, etc.)
  • This will help you get focused and set goals.
  • If you don't do this no one will help you. Seriously.
  • Document how to download and build your project.
  • Document how to contribute to your project.
  • This gives you more time to do other stuff.

The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears

You're going to have to put in the majority of the work.

  • No one is as passionate about your project as you.
  • No one will work for someone who isn't working.
  • You set the example.
  • If there's something that needs done, you better learn how to do it.
  • But, if you build it they will likely come.

The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears

Lines of code we've written on Praelatus

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Go                              97           2117            557           9097
JavaScript                     194           1920            344           8279
Python                          57           1048            807           3039
Markdown                        16            762              0           2980
Elixir                          57            266            183           1146
EEx                             19             79              0            407
CSS                              2             95            170            197
Bourne Shell                     1             50             13            173
JSON                             2              0              0            123
Sass                             3             18              1             74
INI                              1             18              0             73
YAML                             4              9              1             55
PO File                          1             20             18             55
HTML                             2              0              0             18
SUM:                           456           6402           2094          25716

The Current Version

Lines of code in the current development version.

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JavaScript                     190           1322             58           6626
Python                          57           1048            807           3039
Markdown                         7            290              0            713
CSS                              2             95            170            197
JSON                             1              0              0            100
INI                              1             18              0             73
YAML                             2              2              0             21
HTML                             2              0              0             18
SUM:                           262           2775           1035          10787

The Marketing

Discoverability is super important.

  • Host the project on GitHub <- I hate this.
  • Start a local Meetup group for weekly FOSS coding sessions.
    • Or find one that exists and ASSIMILATE.
  • Remember you're a sales person now.

Shout outs

These guys are my heroes.

  • Mark Chandler @lionize
  • Ryan Brzezinski @link867
  • Wes Swett @swettw
  • Justin Chiou @shadowlion

The Questions

Thank you!

Mathew Robinson @chasinglogic

Things I'm qualified to talk about:

  • Git
  • Whiskey
  • People skills
  • Programming Languages

Pretty much in that order.